
Did you know?
While 95% of Californians have access to recycling, only 37% choose to recycle.
That means about 3.2 million tons of recycleable material in California alone ends up in the landfill each year.
You can do your part by knowing and separating your recyclable items and placing them, unbagged, into your blue container.
Unsure which items are recyclable?
View this searchable SLO County Recycling Guide
What happens to my recyclables?
All materials diverted for recycling in our service area head to our MRF "murf" or Materials Recovery Facility, pictured here.
*Note*- We do not sort through the garbage we receive for recyclables, 100% of that material goes directly to our landfill.
Our friends at IWMA have a great step-by-step description of what happens to your recycling at our MRF.
You can also watch some fun videos on social media for a behind the scenes look at the MRF in action.
Contaminants must be removed by hand, daily, for our processing line to function properly.